Nobody is perfect, and even the most careful of parents can make a mistake when it comes to their children. The law understandably treats alleged child abuse or neglect seriously, and this can put a tremendous amount of stress on the entire family. When Texas Child Protective Services — CPS — becomes involved, it is important to have an adequate child protection defense on your side.
Representation is not only important in advocating for for parental rights, but also for ensuring that your child’s best interests are being observed. CPS tends to be a department without the necessary oversight that is needed to ensure the safety of each and every child placed in foster care. This is especially upsetting for parents who feel as though CPS railroaded them, unnecessarily removing their children.
Placement with family members also tends to be overlooked or even purposely disregarded, even when the situation would prove fruitful for the child in question. Advocating on behalf of a child is especially important in this regard. Many children find the ordeal of being removed from their homes difficult enough, and staying with suitable family members can help ease the experience.
Texas law is currently going through an enormous change as the state CPS department is overhauled. This can make ongoing child protection defense strategies even more difficult, which is why it is so important to work alongside counsel who is intimately familiar with the system. If you or a loved one is currently dealing allegations of child neglect or abuse, be sure to visit our website for more information.
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